Internet Iconography
At the Edge of the Earth & I Still Want More
9” x 12”
Ink and pencil on shizen
In an overstimulating age of living image and text; symbols hold weight over the collective consciousness, affecting our daily lives in spite of our awareness or fluency in its language. Of post-digital imagery, the ‘meme’ is equivalent to brain malware, attaching perceptions and operations to its evolving symbology which rely solely on the belief of the people to exist. Through the tandem exploration of communal images and my own experiences, I create works that act as a medium between the digital realm and material life. The internet's most potent aspect: rapid degeneration or evolution. Globalization’s silk road touches all corners of the Earth. It melts and shifts what form or symbology belongs to who, by reappropriating meaning itself, its audience shifts, and so does time (content) and space (form).
“From the moment at which a painter begins to strike figures of color upon a surface he must become acutely sensitive to the feel, the textures, the light, the relationships which arise before him. At one point he will mold the material according to an intention. At another he may yield intention-perhaps his whole concept-to emerging forms, to new implications within the painted surface. Idea itself-ideas, many ideas move back and forth across his mind as a constant traffic, dominated perhaps by larger currents and directions, by what he wants to think. Thus idea rises to the surface, grows, changes as a painting grows and develops. So one must say that painting is both creative and responsive. It is an intimately communicative affair between the painter and his painting, a conversation back and forth, the painting telling the painter even as it receives its shape and form.”
-Ben Shahn
5’ x 5’
Acrylic on panel
Why I Can’t Date Men/Transcription Issue
9” x 12”
Watercolor and ink on paper board
12” x 16”
Oil on recycled shit canvas
Acrylic ink, water color, on rag paper
Acrylic ink, water color, on rag paper
2’ x 3’
Oil on canvas